Parking here is a HUGE problem. I've lived here nearly 6 months and every time I get home after 9 pm I have to drive to the other side of the apartment complex to park (a 15 minute walk to my building). If I arrive after midnight I have to pray that someone is leaving because I have literally not found parking multiple times (to the point that I literally go home, PARK, then UBER places cause finding parking is so insanely frustrating after a long shift - I work two jobs a 9-5 job and as a bartender). Maintenance is also a huge problem. My heater broke in December and I put in a ticket and went to the office (because otherwise it would have taken weeks for them to come out, and frankly I am not keen on letting my apartment stay at the 20 degrees Fahrenheit my thermometer was reading). The first maintanence team told me that the heating system was broken and they couldn't replace the entire thing (as itll be too expensive and they'd need administrative permission) after imploring them to fix it they explained they didn't think they'd be allowed to but they left to ask. After a couple hours a second team came back and closed all the vents forcing the little heat in the system into my bedroom and told me 'they were done and fixed the problem'. Obviously this isn't a fix, the first team came back after the second left and explained they weren't allowed to replace the system because itll take too long and itll be expensive. Luckily this winter wasn't terrible, but to this day my heating system is pretty wonky and I have to blast it to have a decent temperature in my apartment (electric bill due to this went from 80/mo it was in November to 200/mo just to get my apartment at a constant 67 degrees). Some maintenance workers try really hard to fix problems (notably Percy and Miguel) but others seem to have given up at this point and don't really care, so be wary. The grounds are pretty dirty due to their lack of trash containers, and their "valet trash collection service" that is mandatory sucks. You also will constantly get spammed by random newsletters and I assume companies that have a partnership with Bent Tree. I suspect that pests will become a problem once spring warms up more. My apartment is very clean (I clean-mop-sweep everyday) but when I was sweeping my floor yesterday I noticed three ants scampering around as well as a beetle. Though this is the first and only times I've seen pests inside the apartment, I assume that the fact a beetle was able to make it in when I keep the apartment locked down and clean constantly (never open windows or doors unless I am walking in and out) shows that pests will begin to be a problem. As noted by someone else Bent Tree does has numerous fees and honestly if they can get away with charging you more I wouldn't be surprised. The apartments though cheap are poorly made (I used to be a home remodeler and I noted that my 'hard wood floors' were already peeling after being installed 'a month before I moved in' and that the double windows are ancient and poorly installed). When my neighbors upstairs were moving in the ceiling shook and I had a lot of white dust and paint on my furniture which I had to clean up. Honestly I wouldn't recommend anyone to live here unless they are on a budget and can put up with all of this. I will probably be moving out as soon as my lease terminates because frankly I would rather commute from Sterling to my jobs in Chantilly than to put up with this place again.