Brandon Reppert

The apartments are reasonably maintained, but Aimco (the holding company that owns the apartments) are thieves. They'll charge you for absolutely anything and everything they can when you move out, regardless of how careful you are to clean, tidy, not have damages, etc. And this is not just a personal story, we've been told by a lot of our former neighbors that the issue is always the same--be prepared to pay through the nose just to move out of the apartments. On top of that, the walls are quite thin in the buildings--neighbor noise is a way of life here. And while they allow pets, they'll be sure they charge you as much as they can for it--we paid over $2,000 dollars in flat fees for owning a couple of cats for a year. Sure, they're up front about it, but the reality is that the company owning the apartments exists solely to squeeze as much as it can out of it's tenants, and that's very thinly veiled. We've had much better tenant experiences everywhere else we've lived, and thus I suggest that if you're looking at Boulder Creek Apartments, you might too.