Lara S.

DO NOT RENT HERE!! This place made my life a living hell for the entire year I was here! I wish I can stand outside and tell anyone interested my experience. This apartment complex because the community had initially made me feel safe. When I did the move-in inspection the lady wrote down everything she saw and gave me two minutes to look around and see if I could find anything else. I lived on the second floor and my downstairs neighbors play music, with amplifiers and everything. They play at random hours and they play so loud that my entire apartment would vibrate. I reached out to management multiple through emails and left multiple voicemails. Their hours change so much and at this point they were only twice a week. I went in after weeks with no response and talked to someone who told me the apartment manager received my messages and was "working on it" and would get back to me (her name was Lo and she never did). A new manager named Sebastian started working there and when I left another voicemail, he actually responded to me, came and talked to me, and told me he would talk to the neighbors. The next day I got a letter stuck to my door from the neighbors asking me to "keep things out of management hands" and to stop walking around so loud in my apartment. I gave this letter to management. After a couple weeks, everything got worse. The noise coming from their apartment got louder and I started taking videos of my apartment shaking while they were playing their music. Whenever I would walk in they started banging on their ceiling with something. One time, I called Sebastian while they were playing music and he came in to experience the noise level, I was getting ready for school and when I went to the door to open the door they started banging on their ceiling again, which Sebastian actually experienced. He responded by asking me if I was stepping too loud. The letters on my door got more threatening. They claimed I needed to control my "incessantly screaming child" (I do not have a child, I live completely alone). Management thought they had me confused with someone else when it was obvious they were targeting me. Notes were left in the middle of the night; they even claimed they "have the backing of others" and threatened to sue me. I told management that as a law student I know they have no claims against me while I would have a nuisance, and harassment claim against them. I was so fearful living there that my friends would walk to my apartment door, I would take off my shoes, and wouldn't make any noise. I sent multiple emails to management explaining the situation. I can't even imagine what would have happened if I had a pet that walked around since they felt like they could play music as loud they want but I couldn't even walk around (seriously, they were so loud I could even clearly hear the lyrics they were singing through their microphones). NOTHING GOT DONE. On one occasion a friend came to get ready for an event. I warned her that we had to be quiet. We both took off our shoes and were sitting in my room. No one was walking around; no music was playing; the TV was off. The downstairs neighbors banged on their ceiling so hard my friend actually jumped. I spent the summer in Arizona to get away from that place. I couldn't even study in my apartment if I wanted to because of how loud the music was.Before I left, I emailed management and told them I was going to be away for the summer and asked them what needed to be done. I also gave them my move-out notice. Sebastian told me that I needed to fill out a notice to vacate which he would email to me... he didn't. I actually find it comical that this place has a 100% response rate on yelp because you have to beg the management for a response. Finally, after asking multiple times, at the end of the summer it was sent to me. So many emails went unanswered.During my move-out inspection, which I also had to call multiple times to schedule, I brought along two of my friends, one of whom is also a law student. My appointment was with Sebastian, but a maintenance person came in (I'm pretty sure he lives below me--not the same band neighbors but another person who lives below me). He was extremely rude and didn't even acknowledge us until he was done. He then informed me I owe over $200 for painting, cleaning, and the stoves. When we asked him to point out exactly what needed painting he said, "If it was up to me I'd charge you more." I don't cook and never once used the stoves, so whatever condition they were in, they were like that when I moved in. When I told him that, he told me that it had to me because they're replaced after every single person... which means everyone has to pay? I wish I had started law school before I signed this lease because after just one month in law school I read through the entire lease and realized there were clauses in there that I would NEVER had agreed to if I had known what they meant in the first place.