We moved into the Broadcast Center at the end of August 2020, while we have only been here 3 weeks so far, we have run into a myriad of issues that should be flagged for potential residents. On move-in day, the problems began. Our moving truck was not accounted for and they did not have room for the truck to be parked out front, we had to ask other residents to move their truck so we could switch. Since the BC sets appt times they should be responsible for making sure all residents can properly move in at their assigned time. Additionally, making movers use their back freight elevator adds almost 2 hours on to your move, which I was of course responsible for paying. I brought this to the community manager's attention and he basically shrugged and said oh well. On move in day, we were told that the upstairs unit had just been vacated and they would be doing a bit of construction for touch ups. Turns out, it is a full apartment remodel and they have been working LOUDLY for a full 3 weeks 7am-10pm everyday. Super fun with work from home. Due to these subpar construction workers, a pipe was hit and our entire kitchen ceiling leaked for a day before it was fully fixed. We now have water damage they have yet to fix. Only a day later it happened AGAIN and our guest bathroom exploded with water. One major note as well is about COVID protocols in the building. The amount of tenants who do not wear masks in the shared spaces including elevators is STAGGERING. To the point I have to take the stairs because residents will lash out if you ask them to wear a mask. I brought this to the community manager's attention about a week ago and he said he would put out more signs to note that masks are required (which should have already been done). Of course, he still has not actually done this. I have not even mentioned the cockroaches in the bathtubs or constant street and shared space noise that is conveniently brushed over on your tour even if you ask about it. While I would not consider this to be a bait and switch, it is pretty clear that elements of the complex are hidden from potential tenants. The surrounding area is very walkable and nice but in terms of what you are paying for, definitely beware. Hopefully things will improve.