Maggie Stein

BEWARE: ALL RECENT POSITIVE REVIEWS ARE PURELY BECAUSE THEY OFFER TO ENTER YOU FOR A CASH PRIZE FOR THEM, SO THeY CAN BURY ALL THE HONEST NEGATIVE REVIEWS. I am a current tenant and have spent the last few months following up with management trying to speak to different people in the hopes that someone would be Compassionate and reasonable about not raising rent during a financial crisis, when I've lost more than half of my income for reasons out of my control. However, I've been treated terribly, with not a single person having a real conversation with me, taking my personal circumstances into account. It's as if you are dealing with robots who continuously send a stock response about accepting credit card payment or suggesting you should find someone else to pay your rent for you. I'm at the point where they don't even respond to me or acknowledge my valid questions and concerns. It's beyond offensive and honestly just shameful. I guess that's what you get for living in a building ran by a larger management company that does not care whatsoever about its tenants or doing the right thing. You are nothing but a rent check to them. If you are reading this because you're considering moving into this or another aimco managed building, do yourself a BIG favor and look elsewhere. These people do not deserve your money or to have any control of your life and living situation. Also please note that any positive review you see online about this building is sparked by a financial incentive they literally offer you to write a good review. So just to recap: they WON'T agree to not raise your rent during a global pandemic and financial crisis, but they WILL offer to submit your name for a cash prize in return for contrived positive reviews online. Disgusting.