June Lee

DO NOT BELIEVE POSITIVE REVIEWS. I am convinced these are paid for. Please take the time to ask the actual residents during a visit. Not a single person I met at these apartments has a positive experience. They are liars and I have never experienced such horrendous treatment of people who are customers. After lying about renovations, and constantly giving us excuse after excuse, they have done absolutely nothing about damages to our expensive furniture and inconvenience. They've built in washer and dryer units into our BEDROOM. These were said to go in the living and dining area which would be much more reasonable. We will be suing this company for damages and the incredible time waste and infringement on basic decent rights any tenant has. Do not waist your time here. Terribly regret moving here. Many have left. Burglaries, inconsiderate construction, malicious absolutely malicious and manipulative business practices. Response to George - I have tried to reach out to your corporate MANY TIMES. And you asking the REAL tenants on this review whether or not they have tried to work with management when they EXPLICITYLY say that their experience with them has been IMPOSSIBLE just shows you are not even reading the review and are just writing for writing sake. You guys don't actually DO ANYTHING. Just talk. AGAIN, to anyone considering, AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE