Jason Hobbs

Very unfortunate, don't move here. [Update: Just added photos of firefighters attempting to get people out of the same elevator that trapped me for 20 minutes. Figured I should document these when I see them come to rescue people trapped in the same elevator over and over. This is at least the third time I've seen firefighters come for this elevator.] The false fire alarms that have gone off a dozen times in 11 months? Nuisance, yes, but even more than that, it's dangerous. So many residents here don't even bother leaving their apartments because of how many false alarms there have been. And why have they happened, where here's the running list of reasons I've gotten from management: Multiple times it was the vendor's fault for apparently "tripping" the fire alarm during some sheet rock installations or something. A couple of times it apparently could have been a prank, but don't worry, they ostensibly found out who it was and stopped that. And MOSTLY it has been due to the system just being riddled with malfunctions. The false alarms have gone off at 4AM, at 6AM, at 11PM; it's been pretty time-indiscriminate. Try getting back to sleep after waking up to a 4AM fire alarm and having to make your way down 6 flights of stairs (I'm on the top floor). It's downright negligent, and is past the point of dangerous. Next, the elevators. Well, they are frequently malfunctioning and being taken offline. It would seem that they would get them serviced properly, once, but they've gone down far more frequently than any other building I've ever been in. I got stuck in the elevator for 20 minutes once, with 5 other people, the air conditioning goes off which was fun, and one of the people in the elevator began to hyperventilate and nearly passed out, and we had to call 911. That only happened to me once, but the other night, fire engines showed up because it happened to someone else apparently. Ah, as I mentioned, I'm on the top floor. I always move into top floor apartments because I don't like people above me able to wake me up if we have different schedules. Well, more than half a dozen times in the last 11 months, different vendors and maintenance people have been on the roof at all hours of the night, outside of normal business hours and even outside of the LA County allowed construction hours. It's happened at 6AM, and 11:30PM before, which is such a wonderful thing to wake up to, people traipsing across the roof loudly without regard to people sleeping in the rooms below them. The other night it happened again at midnight, and I spoke with management ONCE AGAIN, and got the excuse "it was emergency maintenance" -- oddly the person had no tools with him. Just a flashlight hat thing. And last night, this happened again at 1:45AM, and I've still not gotten a response as to what the excuse is this time. Is it maintenance? Okay fine, I get it, stuff needs to be maintained on the roof. It'd be great if that stuff was maintained in advance so it's not in need of being fixed at midnight a few days ago, and 1:45AM last night. Seems like a few days ago they could have planned to then fix it between 9AM - even 10PM the next day, or over the course of the next few days, but instead they waited until 1:45AM last night do it? Also, there are very few visitor parking spots, and there are a ton of blind spots coming out of the garages, so be careful. Some of the exits require a fob to get out. I've seen people trapped in the garage several times, waiting for cars to open the gates, or for someone to come along with a fob to let them out. It's crazy. Should exits, marked as emergency exits, require fobs to get out? Seems negligent to me.