Elana R.

Living in this building has been a complete nightmare! I moved into this building two months ago and was told by the leasing agent that I would not hear any noise coming from the CBS lot. She not only lied to me but did not tell me the extent of how loud the noise is. Everyday since moving here, I have to endure loud noises, sets are being built, several trucks unloading, workers screaming. As if this isn't damaging enough to my ears, the leasing agent failed to mention that they were shooting TV shows(Dancing With The Stars) right below my Balcony. It's as if you're living next to a concert arena. Audience members screaming/clapping, full bands blasting music, heavy equipment building the sets. All hours, everyday. Please look at my pictures.This is absurd how they are treating me, as a resident who is paying 3,700 a month. I should be entitled to sound proof windows for my health as this can do permeant damage to my hearing.For the past two months I have been fighting for these windows. They put in cheap windows which are useless. I'm beyond frustrated and have not slept in two months.I've written several letters to Didi Meredith about this issue and she is ignoring my letters. Who is above her?IN RESPONSE TO THE REPLY BELOW, NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!