Belina Y.

NEVER ENDING CONSTRUCTION! Each year they update something normally it's supposed to be good thing but the management never respond you when you need or respect your life it's really disturbing.3 years ago they updated lobi and pool area never be able to use for months last year updated general area floors this year they are setting washer & dryer hookups construction is in all over the apartment so you wont be able to use your OWN home for 9-10 hours in a day( it's supposed to be done 100years ago when the washing machine was invented ) Also if you want washer & dryer setting up you have to pay $100 each month which is annually $1.200 if buy it yourself ( keep it after) much more cheaper but they don't allow.Your door is remain unlock and on each floor there is only 1 security for appearance sake how can his keep in eye all the apartments at the same time?Also there is a construction at the garage i found my car cover with dust and some paint and rocks dropped on it!!If your apartment facing US post office you have to bear honking noise during the day cuz they don't have an automatic gate they open the doors when they hearing honk (they starts 8 am) You are not allowed to wash your balcony cuz water dropped other tenants wall use with dirt and cacroachs (roachs everywhere)I am not the one complaining about things i found other tenants nots several times just check my picturesPlease never reply this message hi my name is bla bla mail me,contact me, let's discuss... i'm not seeking a solution i tried many times it's just useless you don't have any solution thats the way how you manage the apartment...