Total bait and switch - don't waste your time they're just trying to get you in the door to sell you something. Looked online and found an apartment that looked nice for the right price. I was thinking about a shorter term lease they list pricing and terms right there. The website listed 5 available apartments 2 of which where on the top floor. Set my appointment and off we go. Today I show up for my appointment and Regina checks me in. Starts by forgetting my name and follows up after I introduced myself a second time by asking if I was someone else again (Clearly Regina is a pro at customer service) then she asks me what apt I want to look at "The 1 bed 1 bath spotlight apt on the 4th floor (one of 2 available on their website)" to which she informs me she'd rather show me a 2nd floor unit that I'd like more "because it has a den". I prefer the 4th floor unit and would like to see that one if possible - no can do. Then she starts to quote me pricing, starting at 3K ($500 more then what's listed online) before the short term add on and pet rent. At this point I interrupt to ask mention the price listed online. "Oh no we NEVER had apartments listed at that rate" at this point I pull out my phone and show her 5 apartments Starting at $2540 - 2 on fourth floor. "Oh well we change pricing daily" I'M SHOWING YOU YOUR WEBSITE TODAY - LIVE. It's not like I travelled back in time to show you your website last week. Regina, sweetheart that she is, has nothing to say to this. Got up and left w/o seeing an apt.They only show apartments to 5:30 so in LA where everywhere takes 45 min to get to this means I left work early for this appointment. Clearly Broadway Center has no respect for peoples time or the truth and this is before I gave them any money or signed a contract. So How are they going to treat you once they have you locked in a lease? ps. as I sit here typing they still have 2 4th floor apts listed online at considerably lower then Regina's -let me stack up my commission- quote, taking online applications. Don't waste your time these guys are either crooks or they employ crooks, you shouldn't do business with either.