Maggie S.

Finally moved out of this miserable place, and thought I would be done with the actual hell that is dealing with this disgusting, greedy, management company. And of course as i receive my move out inspection report, they withhold a nice chunk of my security deposit for repainting the apartment. We left our apartment in great condition short of a few small holes from hanging pictures and mirrors, and some scuffs on the wall that are completely normal wear and tear after a few years of living somewhere. anything that was left behind is a quick and standard spackle and paint. THIS IS ENTIRELY ILLEGAL IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CHARGE FOR PAINTING DUE TO NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. but they keep referring to "dents and scratches and holes" (which don't exist) to identify this normal wear and tear as "damage" and then charge us for it. They said that we agreed to these terms in our lease which is absolutely insane. my partner and I have collectively lived in over 10 different rental buildings in our lives and have never ever been charged for standard repainting of an apartment. I am fully planning to file a suit in small claims court because I am just so sick and tired of being taken advantage of by this company. You've got to be out of your minds to consider living in this place. If you want to be up at all hours of the night and day listening to falsely pulled or ENDLESS test fire alarms at an ear drum shattering decibel multiple times per week, if you like being financially manipulated and treated with predatory behavior, if you like cheap floors and walls that allow you to hear every tiny move your neighbors make, if you like the smell of smoke and marijuana absolutely everywhere, IF you like people leaving garbage in the hallway outside of the garbage shoots instead of inside of them all the time, If you like dealing with money grubbing heartless robots for management who literally never ever do the right thing or care about anything but making money off you in any way they can, by all means, enjoy living in this building. I've never been happier to leave a place in my life, and hope to see them lose as much business as possible until they start operating in an ethical way.