LaLa H.

So I have been living here for a while now and thought I would write an update on my experience living here. I do still love the location and the apartment itself, but I have struggled with noise issues. The floors and walls are pretty thin and I had a terrible upstairs neighbor for a while who would come home at 2-3 AM on weeknights and have people over and play music and stomp around til 5 AM. It was terrible, thank god he moved out. I still hear the new upstairs neighbor's footsteps all the time and I did have to go up there an knock on her door a few times and ask her to be quiet, it sucks getting out of bed at midnight to do that. And there is a guy on my floor 8 apartments away and his music is seriously unbelievably loud all the time in the evening and I feel so bad for whomever lives below and around him! No one wants to hear loud bass and rap music blasting through the hallways! Also I have another neighbor who is often out on her porch at night smoking and being loud (this is supposed to be smoke-free building) and I have emailed the management about it a few times and never received a response to my message. The smoke comes right in the open window and then my whole apartment smells like cigarettes. And many people smoke here and it seems like there is no real way to make the building smoke-free because no one listens to the "rule." Also the old guy who lives next to me is very old and plays his TV extremely loud and it shares a wall with my bed and can be very frustrating. I try to do the mature thing and knock on his door and ask him to turn it down but he never answers the door so I end up having to always leave him notes. I guess it is always a crap-shoot with any apartment building because you never know what your neighbors are going to be like.Also, the CBS noise on the West side of the building can be really bad, especially on weekends it starts at 7 AM. And they are supposed to stop all construction noise at 10 PM but there have been numerous times where I have called CBS security and told them they needed to be quiet because they are essentially breaking laws by making noise that late. There were even times well after 11 PM that they were being noisy. And the garbage truck comes in there at like 6 AM on Sundays and there is no way to sleep through that noise! You have to understand the lot (and all of their construction materials) are literally 20 feet from my (and many others') balconies and the noise can be very loud!So I officially now sleep with a fan on every night to drown out then noise along with a white noise machine AND earplugs. :(Also I do find that the washing machines and dryers can be broken for 3-4 weeks at time. Apparently the tenants are responsible for calling and reporting the broken machines to the company that owns them and no one ever does, so after about 3 weeks I finally call them in myself. I emailed one of the leasing agents about one that was broken 3 times and she ignored my emails. I have also had an issue with my hot water pressure in my tub for months now and have made MANY requests to have it fixed and... nothing. FINALLY after 4 requests and an outside plumber coming in to fix it I realize that they put it off bc it was a major fix; the piping was entirely corroded and they had to cut into the shower wall and replace everything. They just didn't want to spend the $$$ so they hoped I would just shut up and deal with my hot water barely trickling... it took them 6 MONTHS to fix it, no joke. And I did renew my lease after the first 12 months even though they raised the rent $120 a month, (and that is the amount after I negotiated them down). It is just disappointing because it seems like they only care about the money and not about keeping people living here long-term because who is going to want their rent raised every single year by $150?? And why have my monthly utilities (shared costs across the whole building-water/sewer/trash/etc) gone from $40 a month to $70 a month? And as I type this I can hear my neighbor's bass booming above me. šŸ™ Guess I have to to stay positive sine I am living here for another 11 months but for the price I am paying for a 1 bedroom I can rent a house elsewhere and not have to worry about shitty neighbors.OMG and how could I forget! They now allow dogs here (which is awesome) but there has been a serious issue with people allowing their dogs to pee and poop in the hallways and common areas and then the owners don't clean it up! And when we moved in they told us Erewhon delivered to residents in the building and that we received 10% off all of our purchases there and neither of those turned out to be true. And finally the movie screening room can only be accessed by walking through the leasing office (which closes at 6 PM) so it is pretty much a useless amenity, at least for me because I have a day job.And I am petty sure these newer 5 start reviews are fake... funny that many of them only have 1 review on Yelp!