Ann H.

PLEASE READ THIS AND KNOW WHAT IM SAYING IS TRUE -Do not move here. It would take an hour for me to say what I've gone through living here, but it's not worth explaining it all. This place is scary, horrific management, constant construction, no care or response if anything goes wrong, non stop horribly loud fire alarms, less than 24 hours notice to enter apartments for random pointless reasons, safety is not anything cared about. My car as well as 30 or more Have been broken In to in the garage that is supposedly secured. It's NOT. Ever. No one cares about complains. No one cares about the constant security issues. Construction is happening without anyone's notice in all units. Six weeks of contractors in and out of my apartment all day every day. JUST DO NOT MOVE HERE. I COMPLAIN ABOUT NOTHING and I've made it my job to complain about this. if you want to be nickel and dimed and then treated like absolute shit this is what will happen to you. Please understand and know what I'm saying is true. And so much more but tooLong to type.