Erika C.

I'm generally disappointed by the management. I moved in February of 2018 and have found the staff to generally be rude, dismissive and arrogant. My wine cooler has never worked despite multiple requests. Not a big deal, but it was one of the things that was offered by Broadcast Center vs. other apartments. The manager who moved me in never told me where the mailboxes were, advised utilities were included (they are not - only water and sewer are included) and she left less than 2 weeks later. I signed up for autodraft and in June they had an issue and failed to pull it - I was out of the country. I got the VM from them upon my return to the USA and called while my plane was still taxiing to the gate. I was assured that the late charge would be reversed. I paid as soon as I got home and then they refused to reverse the charge. Their new "manager" told me I should give them a way to reach me while I'm on another accident in case they screw up again. The only other communication I get from them is when they enter the apartment - weekly - when I'm not home (and never to fix what is broken) and they comment on my personal belongings or if I'm not notified of a package and get a nasty email to pick it up. The women who work here are nasty and dismissive of any female if they are approached and act as if they are too important to be bothered. The apartments are fine for a place to sleep close to the office, but nothing more. I spend all weekends and many weeknights (if I don't have a super early day) at my own home and I'm glad I have the option to do so. Spending 3K per month and 700 feet is appalling when coupled with the horrific management. There is one young man who works here who is helpful - I have yet to meet any of the others who don't act as if you're lucky to get a moment of their time.