Jamie K.

Apparently it's $10 a day for every day that you don't pick up a package and that's not a choice of Luxor package service that's a choice of our building broadcast center wanting to rip us off so they decided that it's $10 set the rate per day when you don't pick up your package you have two free days after that your paying. Unfortunately I was in Germany and I owe them 60$ for a small package of clothes I got delivered that could have fit in my mailbox. This building will find anyway possible to take more money from you including the hundred dollar a month charge for a washer dryer in your unit. They have the worst customer service they Continuously find reasons to have construction around the building and enter your apartment at inconvenient hours of the day to replace your door Or whatever they are in the mood to replace because they are often in the mood to replace things and Violate your personal space with multiple people doing construction in your apartment. This place is a rip off I paid so much money to live there and I'm not happy at all I have not been happy since the day I moved in but I already signed a year lease so I'm stuck.