Amber B.

The apartment complex is beautiful...I'll give it that much. It is also close to a lot of shopping centers and the VRE (which I don't use but I know that could be a draw for some). However, we have had a lot of problems since we moved here last summer and are happy to be moving back home to PA at the end of next month. Here's what we have experienced:1. The walls, ceilings, and floors are paper thin. You can hear people talking, walking, and worst of all, dogs barking. I say worst of all because right now, I am sitting here listening to my upstairs neighbor's dog bark and bark and bark. It usually barks for at least 8 hours straight and sometimes late into the night - like well past midnight. When I complained at the office, their response was "I'm sorry to hear that." So apparently they don't care that I'm paying almost $2,000 a month to listen to constant high pitched barking.2. When you put in a service request, they ignore when you say that they need to call for entry. They will just waltz right in. My husband works overnight and was in bed when he woke up to see a maintenance man staring at him. There have been other times where they have just walked in but thankfully did not catch anyone asleep or anything else.3. Parking sucks - unless you're willing to shell out $50 a month per car for special reserved spaces, you may very well end up parking very far away from your apartment. This causes problems when you have groceries to unload or get home late at night.4. When they send their maintenance people to do something, they will make a mess and leave it. A few weeks ago, they came to clean out the fireplace (once again letting themselves in when my husband was sleeping but they thankfully didn't go in the bedroom this time). They left soot all over the floor, our carpet, my computer, and the bookshelf. I came home from work to find my husband cleaning up the mess they made.I'm sure there's more I can write here but I'm sure you get the idea. There are probably nicer places you can rent in Burke.