Doris E.

First, are we renters so blind to understand how out of control rent prices are? We must blame ourselves. We have become a society that just accepts these corporations to drain us from rent, health insurance, car insurance, the list goes on!!! I rarely complain about these issues. Burke Shire Commons Apartments is a huge Corporation "Aimco" main office located in Denver, Colorado. Aimco claims "Core Values" which are: Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Customer Focus and Performance, for their communities. We researched Aimco Board of Directors and all their false Marketing, Advertising, and Dishonesty. Truth always Wins. Aimco Shame On You. In apartment #102 we experienced unacceptable outside Flooding, Mold, Water Leak, Digital Thermostat failure after installment, gym and pool bathrooms unsanitary, trash overload, grounds and sidewalks have cracks on landscape uneven ground levels and parking problems. We have not heard from one Aimco Corporation, nor Burke Shire Commons Apartments Management. My letter went out on March 24, 2019 to Board Members, VPs, Finance, Area Managers, Aimco Resident Support, Customer Service and Community Manager, as of today No one has responded. Renters start being Renter Pro Active and start standing your ground! If any renters need names of board of directors, or any other employees from this awful company, contact me and I would like to assist you. Leave me a message on Yelp or Google. DJ E.