Javier G.

They will nickle and dime you to death when you leave. Better leave that apartment spotless including the paint on the walls. Mine looked really nice and they still stacked a $150 for a painting. I've never heard of that. Specially when I didn't changed any colors or did any damage other than normal wear and tear for living somewhere for 18 months. Also better have off days during snow. They will absolutely wait until the storm has completely passed to remove any snow. Meaning if the storm last 3 days. Expect them to start removing snow in 4 days. See what happened to my $500 deposit. They charged me 237.86 in between, Trash removal, sewer, water, pest control, and those hidden "service fees." And obviously on top of that a $150 charge for them to repaint their own apartment to rent it to someone else. This is really unheard of. My account was paid off entirely as of the 1st of June. How can I accumulate $237.86 worth of charges in 12 days. I left on the 12th of June. Well: they said water is paid in 2-3 month cycles. Still, I never had a water/sewer bill for $237 EVER!!! Out of my $500 they only are returning $112.... UNREAL!!!OSP Credit Card Deposit (500.00)Total Deposits on hand (500.00)Additional charges/credits/payments after move-outPainting 150.00Total additional charges / credits / payments 150.00Final Account balanceBalance at move-out 237.86Total Deposits (500.00)Total additional charges / credits / payments 150.00Account balance - refund due (112.14)