Mark M.

I met with the management here before renting an apartment. They showed me a newly remodeled unit and promised that the unit we would be assigned (which was at the time occupied) would be EXACTLY the same.. Made arrangements to move about one week ago. When we showed up, the unit that we were assigned was VERY poor. Floor was not the same as was shown with us; floor is cloudy and has "ridges"; stove and oven are caked with grease and burn marks; tape on floor; poor paint job (my wife is still getting sick from the spray paint!); appliances are "nicked" grout is missing. We put in a work order and still have to hear from anyone. Neighbor told us they put in a work order a year ago and still waiting for a dishwasher. Rent is terribly high for what you get. They claim they have an exercise room, which they do, but of the three elliptical machines, two don't work and the third one squeaks like crazy. I could go on and on with the issues here. Would certainly have made a different choice if we knew what we were getting. Be warned. We are not "complainers", but what we were given was far different from what we were promised, and at close to $2000 for a two bedroom, we could have done better in nearby FAIRFAX. I will keep you posted to advise you if our workorder is filled. Not holding our breath. By the way, if you have VERIZON phone service, as we do, be aware that the reception is poor or not existent from our apartment. Others have mentioned the same thing. We all need to go outside to make a call.