rashmi wood

I am a current resident of this apartment. Pros : 1. big 925 sqft apartment Cons : 1.no leasing office or on-site concierge 2.no gym 3.rude and absent property managers 4.lease breakage policy is awful 5.hot water broken so many times 6.parcels get stolen 7.thin walls and floors , people are always complaining even if you just walk in your apartment I am in a tough situation and need to break my lease , but there is no consideration from the property managers. I would not recommend this place to anyone , it is not worth a 2300-2500 monthly rent at all!!! Edit : I am writing an edit because the response I have got below is a complete scam!!! There is no leasing office. Period (what epic customer service where they are lying !!) The Luxor one package service is where you have to pay a 50$ fee yearly , why would anyone do that In short : I am just disappointed , not just in the local Boston management folks , but now even their central management whatever it is