Romy A.

UPDATE: JULY 16, 2022:YOU PEOPLE SUCK. WHY DON'T YOU TELL THEM YOU'VE BEEN TAKEN TO COURT OVER THIS ILLEGAL EVICTION?MY BELONGINGS BETTER BE STORED SAFELY AND ACCESSIBLY.AND AS FOR CONTACTING [email protected]: I COULDN'T CONTACT YOU IF I WANTED TO- THE ONLY WAY I WAS 'RECOGNIZED' AS LIVING THERE IS THE VAST NUMBER OF THEFTS THAT OCCURED EVERY TIME I LEFT THE APARTMENT.Three words: Bait and switch. Don't even care about that anymore. UPDATE: People who work for this complex have been stealing hundreds of dollars' worth of my things and no one would do anything about it. I had the Police up here several times, finally called Corporate in Colorado. They flipped out but did nothing about it. The guy who rented my father the apartment (I didn't even QUALIFY to be on the lease with a wealthy co-signer!!), when I told him of the thefts said I don't work here anymore. I believe he was the thief. You better hope you have no need for maintenance, they told me I had to pay them to switch out my shower head, and even though I'm a disabled senior, would not put a safety bar in my shower. It took 2 months to get a broken dishwasher replaced, which pissed me off! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF HERE! Oh, and watch out, you'll be paying every utility known to man and some they made up. They share a pool with the town, and as of June 13th, has not been made swimmable. Don't get me started on the rent.UPDATE: ILLEGALLY EVICTED WITH MY BELONGINGS IN THE APARTMENT. Before this, I asked for the infamous HAZIM'S help and he simply said- I DON'T WORK HERE ANYMORE. AGAIN.