Michaela Ryan

UNSAFE NIGHTMARE WITH MANIPULATIVE MANAGEMENT. I have countless issues with this building, but to save your time I will share the biggest ones. My apartment, and several neighbors apartments, FLOODED WITH SINK SEWAGE. From our sink drains, our neighbors dirty moldy black water filled rotten food chunks flooded up and into our apartments. The 24/7 maintenance team took over 12 hours to respond every time in my apartment. Next, since there is so much flooding, THE CEILINGS AND LIGHTS COLLAPSE ON ITS RESIDENTS. I have multiple friends who's ceilings COLLAPSED ON THEM. But, why aren't you seeing more of that in the reviews? Well, when these things happen, and young students ask to move out, the management team texts you to call them, and then on that call with Kyle he says that YOU HAVE TO SIGN AN NDA TO MOVE OUT OF YOUR UNSAFE APARTMENT EARLY, AND PAY $2,000. And why are there all these positive reviews? Well Kyle calls everyone every week for the first few weeks to ask them to please leave 5 star reviews, and says that anything under 5 stars would be considered an unsatisfied review. I stayed until my lease ended and didn't sign anything, and now I am here to urge you for your own personal safety, DO NOT LIVE HERE.