Charlie Korba

Update since moving: Could not be happier to not live here anymore. Move out process was a nightmare (they double booked the same time slot, extending time for two people with movers thus costing us more money AND the freight elevator broke. Thank god nobody got hurt). I received my "move out statement" and big surprise, they've taken the whole deposit and are charging me on top (charges for damages that already exist in these terribly up-kept apartments, shocking...). Again, i could never recommend living in this complex really to anyone until better management and MASSIVE updates occur (which probably never will). Update: to add to the bad, the bike storage downstairs is unreliable. Had my bike stolen so keep your bike in your apartment I guess. Im now extremely concerned for the holiday season as I'm sure multiple packages are going to be left unattended in the lobby. Additionally it feels like the fire alarms go off weekly and evacuation of the building is way too frequent. Probably because the layout of these apartments puts the kitchens in areas with absolutely little to no air flow. The fire alarms are loud enough to probably cause significant damage to both you and your pets ears, I keep ear plugs in multiple places now for when the alarms go off. I honestly no longer recommend to live to here, find somewhere else because there's very little of "good" to make up for the various flaws of this place. Can't really think of any reason I'd look to renew once this lease ends. ------------------------------ Overall this is not a terrible place. I've had a decent experience so far but this is compared to horrible apartments in the past The good: Location is great. Lots of food locally and proximity to grocery stores. Close to MFL subway. Reasonably quiet enough area for the most part, although I've been woken up multiple times at night from drag racers on the street. Maintence team here is very nice and responds promptly. The place is pet friendly and with a fairly low monthly pet fee. The bike storage is in the basement, but typically pretty crowded. Move in/out is through the elevators in the back alley and can be reserved, made move in much simpler as long as you reserve a time/day. They have private parking for I think an additional $250 a month. The bad: laundry is shared and will cost between $5-7 per load and often dryers don't work sufficiently. The mail storage you pay for often won't accommodate all the packages this building receives and results in boxes being left out in the lobby possible for theft. This place advertises cheap rent, but my single unit apartment with a window unit for AC costs $200-300 monthly for power as the entire building is pooled together and divided amongst the tenants. Also, apart from the heating units, window units are all that are available for AC. Most tenants don't appear to bother throwing trash down the actual shoot, instead they'll throw it around and just leave it, often making getting to the shoot itself difficult. My unit has leaked into the unit below multiple times, big hole in the wall now so they could do repairs and was simply covered by a large piece of particle board. Whatever, just covered it with a plant. As well, the quality of the actual units is quite poor but likely varies greatly. Cracks in the walls and ceilings and very poor quality paint jobs probably will be common among units. Management is overall reasonable and I've had good experiences so far. Likely a decent first college apartment that's maybe cheaper than other nearby places. Just make sure you understand that power, laundry, and additional fees will make the "low" rent price much higher than you realize. In addition, if you're paying electronically (not by check) its an additional $40 for payments. Past reviews mention that any deposit fee will likely be taken for repairs so make sure you can be there for move out inspection I guess. I'm sure it'll happen to me as well.