Kim Panian

My heater has been shut off for over a year and yet I am continuously being charged insane amounts for gas-- something I cannot possibly use. I was told I would pay at most 80 bucks for utilities and have been paying over 150, again for something I cannot even use (gas makes up most of the bill). The worst part is the mouse problem. I have lost track of how many mice I have seen and pests. I keep my apartment clean but nothing helps except the brief period of time where winter kills them off. There was a good period of time (especially during November 2017-January 2018, and occasionally throughout my stay here) where the fire alarm was going off constantly. The best part is that it would go off at 2am and I more than once had to stumble outside half asleep in pajamas to 30 degree weather. I had to uber to another place because I couldn't get rest or study. Other reasons not to live here include the loud noises from the fraternity houses and bars located near by. There are a whole slew of issues one could only fully grasp by living here. From reading other reviews it looks like I can also expect another unpleasant experience when I move out. Which I am doing once my lease expires. Unfortunately, it also looks like they lied to several others about the utilities. I pay on time, I am a respectful neighbor, all I ask is for fairness or at minimum basic decency. UPDATE: My heater was never fixed. I recently moved out and I was charged a total of $410 for damages. The community asked for my address to return my security deposit but in reality it was to make sure they could charge me an extra amount after my security deposit was consumed by my final utility bill (It was $165 even though I was out of town for most of the month so I don't know how it came out so high) and the $410 move out charge. This is the break down of my move out charge: $250 for painting, $75 for kitchen damages, and $85 for cleaning charges. I spoke to the management of chestnut hall to no avail. Super combative. I told them that I understand the apartment needs to be cleaned but the charges were egregious. The damages they were charging me for were normal wear and tear. I was told when first leasing the apartment that the community understands people live in the units and that they would cover normal lived in conditions/normal wear and tear. The person I spoke to immediately shot back "that's just hearsay, I wasn't working here at the time so I don't know what you were told". Very defensive and never denied that their salesmen tell people that to coax them into leasing. There is so much turnover in the leasing office that management is able to deny with ease that they ever made any guarantees. There is only one way to describe this type of conduct: sleazy and lacking integrity. In addition: During my last 3 months at chestnut hall I had problems receiving mail. I have type 1 diabetes and was receiving care packages from family and the type one community. I wasn't able to reliably receive medication and informative materials about my condition (as I was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with my condition) during this time. I was charged $80 for not picking up my mail even though it was never sent to me. I had to contact the third party (Luxerone) and track each individual package/carrier to find my missing mail. I was refunded the charge since they had opened a new account without my permission using one of my old emails. It was very frustrating that Chestnut Hall decided to start using this third party that was very inefficient and required you to submit your credit card so they could charge you if you did not pick up mail within 3 days (and sometimes charge you for opening an account without your permission). I received mail a month late as a result of this and spent soooo much time on this that I did not have with doctors appointments and studying for a very important exam.