Chi H.

TENANT BEWARE - DO NOT LIVE HERE. This apartment is overpriced (erroneous fees) and unsafe. We had major apartment issues every other month. The ceiling in the stairwell collapsed due to landlord negligence of unattended mold (there was simply a layer of paint over the mold). I personally could not breath in this building for the entire lease term due to the mold and my respiratory allergies.My wife burned her skin in the shower because the water temperature would change without warning between scalding hot and freezing cold. The soap holder in the bathroom collapsed TWICE because the landlord had caulking over two layers of tile in the shower. My wife almost broke her foot when the tile fell, which could have been an expensive visit to the emergency room. Again, this is an example of negligence by the landlord. The trash rooms were unsanitary (bugs and cockroaches) because the trash chute was blocked off for the entire lease term. We had a cracked window that was not fixed for the entire lease term, which made the apartment very cold in the winter. (We did not crack the window and we promptly notified the landlord in the first month.) Before move-in, the management team was unresponsive, and I could not coordinate very simple logistics such use of the freight elevator, parking, etc. The landlord threw out one of my packages without my permission or notification.The list of issues goes on. This apartment is unsanitary, unsafe, and the management team is frequently negligent. It is unfortunate that Aimco takes advantage of University students in this area. TENANT BEWARE - DO NOT LIVE HERE and please share this review with anyone considering Chestnut Hall. This building should be demolished by the city and the management team fired. Please share this post with anyone who reviews building construction codes. I wish I could give ZERO stars.