Chul P.

DO NOT LIVE HERE EVER~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I was stuck in elevator and I am cluster phobic. I called for help they answered and took 1hr to open the door. my mouth was getting dried up and couldn't breath while they were laughing making jokes which I could hear from inside. like this " haha i bet 5 million dollars that he is faking" which was the manager that was making this joke. when they finally open the door they were like hey you get up~!!! she didn't even ask if i need medical tension....also there were like 5foot step and they were like get out didn't even try to help me, Dana the manager asked me what apt do you live and I didn't answer because you know that that mean I probably get kicked out of this apt. They are really Fing bad people i know it~!!!!! a two face mf~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looking at his pictures lol it does not even look like this. they need to go down...~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!