keith foxx

When first moving here my wife and I had no complaints. Now that the new leasing company has taken over it seems all that's important to them is getting more money from residents. Mind you we just came out of a pandemic and people are try to get back to work and reorganize their finances. City center thought it was important to raise my rent from $1850 to $3,300 which Mark, the leasing office Manager, was able to get down to $2,557. But that's still too high. There have been no upgrades to justify this astronomical increase. Just raised rent because it's in THEIR best interest. No concern for their tenants whatsoever. And there's still not enough parking if you're not home by 7pm. Gates are always broken. Dog urine in the elevator constantly. But they felt it was a good idea to hike up the rent to get more money. UNACCEPTABLE