Danielle Spradley

We moved out in February of this year. As part of my last payment they forced me to pay a water deposit of $200.00. (even though I have never used $100 a month for water) To date, they refuse to even show me water bill for the months of January and February. They keep blaming the previous management company even though they have the files that were inherited. I have stopped by twice and called 6 six times. All they do is make promises that they will call me back. I'm certain that they have done this to hundreds of people. At this point, since they can't even provide me with a copy of my water bills, they can take it up with the Office of the Attorney General. They also don't provide a detail explanation of why they don't return the deposit. Yes, it was only $100 or $200, but multiply that by the hundreds that they have done this to and that's a whole lot of money. Find somewhere reputable to live.