Timothy Eby

I could go on & on about how this community is terrible, but I will try to keep it short while still providing adequate information. Parking - terrible! You constantly have to drive around to look for a space, if you're lucky enough to find one, sometimes you have to park along a curb, or if you do find a parking space, it might be five buildings away. Cleanliness - terrible! Trash is always lying everywhere. People leave trash bags in the hallways instead of taking them to the dumpster; people throw trash, & broken chairs, in the stairwell; & people are constantly letting their animals urinate & poop wherever they want, even if it means in the hallway or in the elevator. You pay $15 a month for 'valet' trash when you have to take care of it yourself, & deal with your neighbors trash too. Management - worst I have ever seen! All they care about is if they get their monthly $2000 rent. I have filed complaints with them about the parking issues; I have personally called & complained about the trash & animal urine & feces; I have talked with other residents who feel the same way - management doesn't care! They have done nothing to change any of the issues that we have been dealing with since we moved here in October of 2015. Security/Safety - I don't necessarily feel in danger here, but I don't think it's the safest community, especially considering it's a 'gated' community. The back gates are always broken & are just left open at all times, so really anyone has access to the community at any time. I have had packages/mail stolen, & management only says they are not responsible. There are no security officers or guards at the gates. There are absolutely no security cameras anywhere that I have seen. I have seen quite a few cop cars & SUVS back here, & have heard of other residents talking about break-ins & robberies within the community. Amenities - poor in comparison to some of the other local communities. There is a playground; there are two pools & two clubhouse, both of which are nice & 'shiny'; there are two gyms; there is one media center - but its pretty much a joke; there are NO grills anywhere; there are NO benches, seats, decorations, anything like that, in the community at all. Most communities decorated their entrances for the holidays, not The Montage. The Apartment itself - it's actually a very nice apartment! I love the layout - we have a 2/2. It is spacious; it has a balcony; I love the kitchen (even though the countertops are laminate); BUT all of this does not make up for the community as a whole. I would highly advise that you really do your research, & listen to these reviews that have been posted about this community. We were lured in by the 'shininess' of the community, but don't make the same mistake we did. We are already looking at other communities to move to when our lease is up, and I cannot wait for the day when we can move out of here!