Delando P.

I lived there for 3 years and this place deserves less than one star. The building got a facelift but don't let the modern look fool you. Management NEVER answers the phone, you'll have to go into the front office to get anything done. The Apartment Complex is very confusing and not labeled well. Delivery services can never find you. Maintenance is slow, not enough parking spots. You'll have to park on the curb, then move your car in the morning or you'll get towed, even if you're a resident. The residents are very nasty--always leaving trash, dog poop and urine around the neighborhood, including the elevators. The place is roach infested. We pay for pest control in the rent but we never once received any treatment. The apartment walls are paper thin and the neighbors are always playing loud music. Making a noise complaint gets nothing done. Outside on my balcony always smelled like weed. The neighbors stole packages from my door. The rent is over priced and last but not least, don't expect to get your deposit back, even if you leave the place spotless.