Litag D.

I wish I could give these people less than 1 star.Absolutely hate it here to the point that we are about to pay a penalty to break our lease and move out just to get away. We've lived here for almost two years and this new company took over a few months ago. Since then it's been headache after headache. They enter your home without asking, even though there's notes on my account of an alarm they don't care and just go in. I've been home and not decent to let people in and they've walked in and I've had to yell to get the heck out-They come into the units all of the time and have no regard for Covid - WE ARE STILL IN A PANDEMIC and they want to enter your unit a few times a month for bs. They decided they want to paint the entire community- paint has landed on our cars more than once and they've had to send detailers to get it cleaned up and that scheduling in itself has been a huge inconvenience. Noise complaints? You'll have them and they won't do anything about it. Our neighbors have a 60lb dog barking at all hours of the day and night and nothing has been done. Additionally they use their surround sound for every single thing so basically we hear neighbors 24/7. I have a toddler who wakes up during naps and at night because of all of the noises and it's absolutely ridiculous that he can't sleep in peace. Lastly, we paid a premium to live in a corner unit by the lake. It was sold to us with a higher rent as it's a "more private unit"- well this new company decided to set up construction worker bathrooms right outside our unit obstructing our lake view and giving us... MORE NOISE. Absolutely terrible new owners- please rent elsewhere... this place is a joke.