Jen Osyp

Super expensive rent, raises rent at least $70 each renewal, costs $80 a month to park in the garage or $10 a month for an unreserved parking space, management and leasing office staff are a revolving door, leasing office staff are rude and disrespectful, apartments look nice but have cheap quality work, elevators are always breaking down, LAID OFF CONCIERGE (who basically kept this place running, now if you have an after hours issue, you have to wait 30 minutes for someone to come help you when the concierge could usually solve your issue in 10-15 minutes. Also, since the concierge is not there to make the delivery men put your packages in the delivery lockers, many packages are left out unsecured now). Not worth the rent. I would have rated this place a lot better when I first moved in, but it has gone downhill. The maintenance staff and store staff are great, though! The store and gym are nice, too.