Tom Demars

Where do I begin... Looks can be deceiving. This place is a joke and a corporate revenue stream. Now I will say that Tim, the concierge is by far the nicest person they have ever employed. Tim is the greatest thing to happen to this company. He works extremely hard, and by far the easiest person to talk to. Tim is great. The management staff, not so much. Extremely unhelpful and unapologetic when handling residents issues. These seem to be the normal residents issues along with mine... First off, add a few hundred to your rent. The nickel and dime type fees add up. My last rent for a one bedroom was $1,560.00 give or take a few dollars(this is not including the early termination fee added to my rent totaling roughly $1900). That's rent only. They try to sell you a nice package. But looks can be deceiving. They don't tell you that your water bill is about $60-75 bucks a month. They say "its on your monthly statement" if you ever have a question about your bill. If you dispute a charge on your rent, it must be paid within a week otherwise they serve you an eviction notice. You have to pay, then dispute the charge. Want to have a parking spot downstairs? Add $80 bucks to your rent. Its $25 to park your own car on the lot each month. Have a cat or dog? Its $200 down and $40 a month each pet. Add $20-80 for a normal storage area depending where on the property it is located. A $1250.00 monthly rent turns into $1,500 plus instantly. Now this doesn't account for your cable, internet, gas and electric. Electric will run you $160 a month, i'd say $30 for gas and $140 for the cheapest Comcast package. They make it seem like its a deal for all the amenities, but your wallet will loose $2k a month easily for a one bedroom. They had tanning beds when I moved in but corporate removed them for "unspecified reasons" Want to use the office / business area as advertised? Computer and printer has not worked the last two years I lived there. I heard there were no plans to fix them. The pool and Jacuzzi are always being serviced. Every time I walk past when it is not being serviced there seems to be a few college kids drinking in there. The sauna is also being removed because residents were coming down with rashes after use. The big problem has to do with staffing. There is always a line to talk to somebody in the office and the property manager had an extremely condescending attitude towards me, almost happily confrontational and unwilling to help whatsoever. The tone was, pay us. Far from professional. They tend to have over 100 service requests at any given time and corporate will not let them fix anything that will cost money. If its approved, plan on waiting a few weeks minimum. Two service men can't handle a 200 resident building. Not to mention the leasing consultants and managers have a 3-6 month shelf life. Its a revolving door in the office. If anything breaks the service team might enter your apartment while your at work to "service the issue." I don't know who would want a staff member in your apartment with your pets or belongings unsupervised. This place's main driver is to suck money from its residents. Sadly talking to anyone who has lived there has a familiar story to nickel and diming. Residents dogs crap outside and many do not clean up. There always seems to be "domestics" around the property and the power goes off about once every few weeks. Fire alarms are blaring at 6 am regularly and the pizza guy routinely gets stuck in the elevator. Mice and spiders are as regular as the residents. Have to move? They will automatically throw you on a 60 day program where you are responsible for the rent of the apartment after you move. They will rent yours out instantly and still try to get money from you. This part is in your leasing agreement. Early termination is a major corporate trick to make money from its residents. This company is known for going after residents for money. My personal opinion, is find somewhere more friendly. There are numerous choices and I definitely would have chosen differently if I had known.