Abigail L.

I became aware that Tim Peterson will no longer be employed by AIMCO for the property at Elm Creek Apartments. Tim Peterson has been the perfect addition to your organization because some of the following; 1. There have been several work orders that he has taken care off before your maintance department took care of them such as; * Batteries replacement to smoke detectors* Paint touch ups in my apartment* Key replacements* After hour pool & jacuzzi issues (he took care of the situation before someone called the health department and the issue escalated. This has happened several times over the years)* There has been after hour garage situations where maintance was not here and Tim resolved. * Gym equipment that was not working and he took care of the situation before someone would resort to legal action. * The above is just a few of many things he has done through-out the years I have been here.The above-average high retention at Elm Creek is because of Tim Peterson. He has been the go to person that takes care of situations prior to escalating to management or furthermore in a negative way. In the last few years there has been less sales agents to help show this property here at Elm Creek. I have noticed because of how welcoming Tim is and his tours I my self-decided to rent here as well as others. I love and enjoy this community because of the people you have staff but letting go of Tim Peterson will only bring more issues to your property manager and sales agents. In turn, it may only bring sales down to your organization. Your work order submissions online are great but aside of that we also like to discuss situations with a human being that cares. Tim Peterson has shown that he cares for us residents. I believe that his termination in employment will not benefit AIMCO as his human factor and presence is a plus to the establishment and residents at Elm Creek.