Heather S.

I'd be worried about getting evicted for this review if I actually thought the management would notice it...Let's start with the good:1. It's a nice place in a good location with a lot of amenities. 2. The concierge is friendly and very helpful. 3. I am allowed to have my 105 pound dog (one of very few places in the area).4. I've met some really nice people who are also residents.5. The convenience store in the building is actually convenient.The other side of the coin:1. I pay over $1800/month for a small 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment.2. I have to live on the first floor because of the size of my dog (I'm a single female... at least I have the dog...)3. I face the entrance so can never leave my windows or curtains open because I hear and see everything.4. I got a noise complaint because my neighbor's dog was barking, not mine.5. It's poorly lit everywhere. The website even says well lit - this is a lie. None of the areas that are designated for dogs have lights except the dog park. However, these are so small that I can't tell leaves from poop in the dark. At 4pm. The parking lots are also dark and don't convey the safest feeling at night.6. I can't find parking spaces after 6pm and ESPECIALLY after 10pm. There have been MANY nights that I've circled the entire complex and haven't found anything. PLUS, I pay $10/month just for a regular unspecial spot! This is a daily frustration.7. The dog park often runs out of water and it's not replaced timely.8. The pool is really an indoor pool, not an indoor/outdoor pool like they advertise. Only a couple ceiling panels come off the roof. You cannot lay by the pool in the heat of summer because it's more like a sauna than a deck. 9. I emailed the management office through the website to give feedback about the lighting outside. I had 2 different leasing agents contact me multiple times with a FORM email about my availability and my interest in possibly renting an apartment. I even responded asking them to read my initial email and I never received a legit response back. 10. The lobby closes at night (10pm weeknights, 11pm weekends) - very inconvenient if I have to park on the other side of the building. I'm then forced to walk around outside in the dark. 11. Even though the fitness center is open 24 hours, it's very small (one elliptical, 4 treadmills, 2 recumbent bikes, free weights and one weight machine). You also have to walk through the basement parking lot in order to get there after the lobby closes. Another feature that conveys safety to residents. 12. On my first day here I had an old lady yell at me and freak out about my dog. Who was controlled, on a leash, walking into the building with me. Why allow people who hate dogs to live in a wing full of dogs? Not my fault, people. 13. They trick you with the leases - the longer an apartment is vacant, the more money they charge you for rent. Additionally, the longer lease you sign, the less your monthly rent is. What happened to a standard fee for square footage? Oh, and I signed the longest lease and STILL pay $1819/month. I can actually break my lease, forfeit 2 months rent, buy a house and SAVE money because a mortgage, PMI and taxes will be less than the rent (and forfeited rent) I would spend in that period of time.Bottom line: for the price I pay for rent, I shouldn't have any of these problems. In fact, they should be catering to my every need. I will be moving out as soon as possible and wouldn't encourage you to live here.