Lonely Pand

Management cares about your money, not about you. No matter how many times you contact anybody about anything, all you will get is empty "please contact xxx" or "we're sorry this is happening" messages, but don't expect anything to ever change. -When signing paperwork and leases, management was consistently sending emails with typos, and even sent us SOMEONE ELSE'S LEASING FORMS WITH THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, DATE OF BIRTH, HOME ADDRESS, AND OTHER PERSONAL INFORMATION. (Hm I wonder how legal that is) -AC was shut off in October the same week that the weather was in the high 80s-90s. There was no way to turn it back on. -Water is currently being shut off 9AM-5AM, from Jan 5-22. When the water comes back on, it's extremely cloudy and murky, and the shower will never be warm. -Using the package locker is a $50 recurring fee unless you happened to move in before 2018. If you do not pay for the package locker, your packages will be held hostage and you will be yelled at. (I wonder if mail theft is legal?)