Caitlin Cowen

I lived at Evanston Place for almost 3 years, and I would not recommend this apartment. It is a nice location, and a relatively well-maintained, pretty building. However, I would still give this apartment a one star rating due to poor management. They do not care about their residents, and seem to be looking for ways to get more money out of you. They will claim that somewhere in the lines, that their actions are just policy. But it is reasonable to ask approximately three floors of residents to move out on the same day due to renovations? This was a poor plan in my opinion, especially when I asked for the flexibility to move on another weekend and I was denied. Of course they wanted to charge me rent for as long as possible. So when the time came, and many people had to move, there wasn't enough space or time on the elevators. My cost of moving was MUCH higher than predicted because it took so long. Furthermore if this wasn't bad enough, I didn't get hardly any pf my security deposit back. Apparently my apartment needed to be double cleaned which is laughable because my apartment was due for renovations right after I moved. I do not think it needed it plus did they really double clean the apartment before they ripped the place apart? Communicating with them about your concerns is nearly impossible. It can take weeks if you ever hear back from someone at the main office. I am glad to be done with them; living there cost me more than the location and pool is worth.