Rachel Traisman

Save your money! The water gets shut off regularly, often with no warning and lasting longer than expected. The elevators break at least every couple of weeks, sometimes both at the same time. I have a physical disability and was told to "take the stairs" up to the 9th floor the last time this happened. There has been mold on the ceiling outside my apartment for months, which I told management about and they did nothing. There is constant construction in hallways and lobbies that causes disruption without actually improving anything. My bike was stolen from EP and I was told they could do nothing. Management has also lost several pieces of mail/packages of mine and blamed it on the mailman. On top of all this, when I renewed my lease, I was expected to pay MORE per month. The location is the only good thing about this place, but EP is in no way worth it. I can't wait to move out and never set foot in this place again.