Julian O.

My husband and I have lived in Evanston Place for about 5 months. I am a graduate student at Northwestern and he is a working professional. We love the location, I personally like all of the staff. I continually try to give this place the benefit of the doubt, but it always disappoints me. The rent is way too high to justify the issues we've encountered, so if you can afford other options, please reconsider living here.Some highlights:- Our washer/dryer unit was broken for a whole month before it was fixed. Communication from the building and from maintenance was continually poor. The date for when our machine would be fixed kept getting pushed back, and we had to follow up multiple times to check on what was happening. In the meantime, we had to use the communal laundry room in the hall. Thankfully, management reimbursed us for this expense, but it was aggravating nonetheless because in-unit laundry is very important to us.- One of the elevators in our tower (south) has been broken since the beginning of October. First, management said 2-3 weeks to fix. When I hadn't heard back for a month, I sent a note to the building and they said it would actually be 6-8 weeks. Well, it's been about 10 weeks now -- I finally followed up again and now they're saying "it may be early January". The lack of communication and unreliable messaging from management has made me lose complete trust in them. Meanwhile, having only one working elevator is extremely frustrating. A few weeks ago, that elevator was temporarily broken as well, so we had to walk up and down 8 flights of stairs several times to walk our dog.- The walls are incredibly thin. A Northwestern undergrad lives next to our apartment and has frequent gatherings which are incredibly loud even through the wall. A couple months ago she had a birthday party and we could literally make out every word of them screaming "happy birthday" at midnight through the wall in our bedroom...just so you get the idea.- We didn't realize this before moving in, but the heating and cooling system is designed so you *cannot* use A/C during the winter, or heat during the summer. In late September the building switched over to heating only, which was a disaster when we ran into multiple 70+ degree days in October. Even with the heating off and vents closed in our unit, it was still uncomfortably hot inside and we could not turn on A/C.- The adjacent garage isn't enclosed. I didn't *think* this was a huge issue until today, where we (and many others) woke up to a broken car window and belongings that were rummaged through. Luckily we didn't have anything valuable inside, but we still owe $250 on the broken window since it didn't meet our insurance deductible. I realize this isn't the fault of building management but it's yet another data point that makes me disappointed in the living situation here.