Maria F.

I've lived in this building for about a year now and I would say my experience overall has been okay, but really frustrating at times. The location is ideal as a student, and It's comfortable and nice for the most part (although far from how anyone would expect apartments this expensive to look like). First of all, if you are planning on living here, just get ready for a very long and confusing lease process. I won't get in to too many details, but let me just say that EP tried to get my roommates and I to pay way more money than was originally agreed upon. The issue took months to resolve. As for the building itself, the constant construction has been very annoying, and something always seems to be not working-the elevators have been out of service multiple times, in the summer the pool randomly turns green and dirty for a day or two before clearing up again, many times the grills didn't work, our water was turned off FOR HOURS several times during the year for maintenance (you can imagine my horror when the water turned off while I was showering and had to go to class with shampoo in my hair), the AC doesn't work properly at times, and the packaging system was out of service for weeks while under renovation.While management is nice, it doesn't necessarily feel like they make the comfort of residents a priority. For instance, the printer is always out of either ink or paper, the gym was missing some free weights for months before they were replaced, and the complimentary coffee machine downstairs never has either cups, sugar, creamer, or lids, so it's pretty much useless. I've also noticed that the management office space is rarely open as early as they claim to open which is extremely frustrating when I need to talk to them. Evanston Place needs to step up their game, because a good location and moderately nice apartments will only get them so far.