Priyanka S.

I wish I could say that my experience so far with EP Apartments has been one of keen efficiency and stress-free, but unfortunately I cannot starting day 1. Issues: 1. Initial Lease - After applying to EP Apartments and receiving an acceptance for a studio lease, it was only after following up twice with management that I received my actual e-sign lease for a studio unit here in the complex. It was almost as if EP Apartments was screening my calls or purposely ignoring my emails that it started to worry me that the apartment unit would actually be snapped up by someone else. 2. Receiving the Lease - Once I received the lease, I reached out to the leasing office multiple times to inform them that there was no parking addendum attached and I did not feel comfortable signing the document. Once I was able to physically speak with someone over the phone (after many ignored emails), the lease that was sent over was STILL missing the parking addendum. Once again, a series of phone tag occurred between myself and the management office until we were able to get the one sheet of paper I needed to confirm I had a reserved parking spot. 3. Post signing of the lease - After signing the lease and two weeks before my move-in date, I reached out to the leasing office with a few questions and was able to actually speak with someone over the phone (no one was responding to my emails once again and I promise you my intent was not to pester). If I had not called and spoken to someone in real time, I would not have learned that I was supposed to take my parking addendum to another address (Davis Street) with an additional $15 check to process my reserved parking space. If I had shown up that day to Evanston (after a 14 hour long car ride) with no parking addendum to give to Davis Street, I would have been screwed. 4. Day of Arrival (one day after my actual start date) - Getting to my parking space was an absolute nightmare. I followed procedure and went to the Davis Street parking garage and gave them the addendum and $15 check. I did this even before picking up my keys to the apartment. Lo and behold, I was informed that my payment and application would have to be processed and it would have to take 24 hours to get it done. Wtf. I'm paying $90/month and can't even get into my own parking space. 5. Parking Continued - I ran over to the EP Leasing Office while my mom was parked illegally somewhere for fear that our car would be towed if we both went into the office together, and I put forth my case about the parking situation. No help was offered about this (only to just wait around for a bit). Was EP Apartments going to pay for me to park in the Church Street garage? Yeah, right. Let's be honest. It was only after I, personally, offered the solution for a temporary parking card did the management give it to me.6. My actual move-in - I was told while management was doing a walk-through inspection with me that a freight elevator might be open for me to use to unload within that hour or two. Management told me they would go downstairs and check and call me on my phone within the next 5-10 minutes. Well...10...15....20...minutes roll by and I start to get nervous as we can only park in the garage for 1 hour for free or else it will cost us. I have my mom pull the car out of the garage while I run back inside to ask about the freight elevator. Management is surprised to see me and begins to look at the physical freight service calendar while I'm right there in front. Definitely dropped the ball as my mom and I would have been continuously stupidly waiting for the call about the freight elevator.7. The freight elevator - Once it was confirmed that we could use the freight elevator, we pulled up to the dumpster behind back and realized that the "service" elevator is through the back service corridor with smelly trash and biological waste running down the hallway. Also, the service elevator is also the main elevator for current residents. So don't be surprised if the elevator takes a while to show up or if the doors open and there's already 2 or 3 people inside. Also, the corridor to get to the elevator is so narrow, so if you have large furniture that requires maneuvering - don't bother. 8. Back to Parking - came back from Costco/Ikea/Target after unloading all of my stuff around 8:30 PM, and lo and behold - the temporary card doesn't work. First time using it since it was given to us and it doesn't work. Had to push the "assistance" button to explain the situation, which was definitely nerve wracking after spending 14 hours driving that day. 9. Move-In Continued - no additional information regarding EP carts were made available to help us with the move-in. Only after seeing them abandoned on the 4th floor near the parking garage that we knew they existed and could have been a tremendous help in the move. If you get someone on the phone, consider yourself lucky. Their lunch hours are unpredictable to us. Good luck