Alejandra F.

While Evanston Place is the ideal location for students and has great amenities (the pool deck), they are relying on those two things to make living here worth it, and all the positive aspects of renting here are despite of, not because of, management.EP has some questionable practices when it comes signing new residents. For us, there was a very long dramatic process; after we had paid all the fees and the security deposit and were promised the apartment, we got a call months later out of the blue saying that our "application for lease" would be cancelled because they decided the "fair market price" was different than what they had promised us, and unless we agreed to pay more we couldn't live there. Since the school housing deadline had passed and the other apartments we were looking at were taken, it felt like they were trying to force us to pay a lot more money. It took months for this issue to be resolved, and we were only able to live here at the price we were originally promised after my dad talked to some lawyers about the situation. The actual apartments here are also far from the luxurious places they advertise. For example, they advertised our apartment as having hardwood flooring when we were in the process of applying for it, when in fact it has cheap vinyl flooring that was peeling in many places (which we only saw because we contacted the residents who were living there at the time to see the apartment). The sample apartment they showed us had nice dark wooden cabinets and new appliances, while the one we actually got had cheap 70s looking laminate cabinets and counter tops that were also peeling at places. When me moved in, we had them fix the peeling floor and cabinets and got a new stove (the one that was there was falling apart), but they only did this after a lot of back and forth with them. If it was up to them, they would have left everything the way it was. The way management takes care of the apartment complex and it's residents is pretty unprofessional. While they are friendly, they always seem to do the very minimum of what we need. Maintenance requests often take a while to be filled and when they are they do the worst job possible. During the first week we lived here our kitchen sink stopped working. I put in a maintenance request and someone came later that day and "fixed" it. However, a couple days later I noticed water coming out from the cabinet under the sink. I looked down there and saw that the pipe was leaking and there was one of our bowls placed under it, which had overflowed. Apparently, the person who had "fixed" our sink also either saw or caused a leak in our pipe and his solution was to place one of our bowls under it to catch the water. We were not informed of this and no one had come back since the first request, so presumably he thought his job was finished. I put in another maintenance request to fix this and complained about what had happened, but besides fixing the leak, they did not mention or apologize for the way the first request was handled. Finally, there always seems to be issues with the general building. The pool deck is one of the main attractions of living here, but during the summer the pool will get so dirty it turns green and stays this color for days at a time before it is cleaned.There is always construction going on, and while I understand the need for construction since the building does need improvement, they are pretty inconsiderate of the residents who are here. For example, they email us ahead of time about when the water will be turned off, but then the water is never turned back on at the time they claim it will, or it gets shut off before the time slot they gave us (which is really difficult when you were counting on being able to shower before class). I live in the South tower, and both our elevators always have issues, and it is more common for one to be broken then for both of them to be working at the same time. At one point, both elevators were broken at the same time for days, which I think is unacceptable in a building with as many floors as ours since any older residents or residents with physical handicaps would find it extremely difficult to walk up 2 flights of stairs not to mention 9. While it is normal for things break occasionally and get dirty, I think management here needs to work on preventative maintenance instead of waiting until everything is broken or the pool has been dirty for days until they do something about it. Basically, while I love the location of EP, people considering living here need to make sure they are willing to deal with all the negative aspects above (and those other reviewers have mentioned) before deciding if EP is worth it.