michar pena

Nooo move!!!! I have actually lived in this place for 3 years now, it is messy, dirty, bad smell, everything is solved half way through, no root problem, hammer blows, floor drills and not to mention the elevators that never work properly and are new!!!! cockroaches everywhere, I was fumigating my apartment for 6 months, followers, the noises are horrible, you can hear the neighbors fighting and hammering all the time, it seems like Altesamos or carpenters live here, when you go to see where it's coming from, it's from below or above or to the sides everything communicates you listen to everything and they listen to you everything the walls are made of cardboard!!!! music, screams, parties on balconies until late, 2 days ago I had to go down three times to look for security because of screams and blows on the floor below, I managed to locate him after 2 months with this couple who fight to death and throw doors and other things at any time of the day should be more careful who they let enter or rent in the Condominium... humidity in the walls and in the air conditioning since it is central it throws all the dust from the constructions of the other apartments because Every time they move they remove the carpet with a clean drill at 7,8,9 in the morning including Saturdays, in order to make money they don't care about your peace of mind and privacy, every two months they have to come to me to remove the water in the ceiling of the closet in the room since the air conditioning installations are there and the leak was blocked!!! I already have a two and a half month old newborn baby, he can't sleep because of the noises. Now it's Friday, 09/06/2017 at 2,3,4 in the morning, the alarm went off 3 times and no one knows anything????something Which is normal when I didn't have the child, I honestly put this comment so you know that this place is a disaster, even though they want to help you, the problem always continues because they don't solve it at the root...(I repeat) everything is half done, that is, work for half, if they fix something halfway, if they put something in half and on top of that expensive luckily I have a month left and no more!!!! I dislike it so much that I moved to the north of south beach thanks to this community that tries to give their best but in the end everything remains the same or worse!!! I am not giving you a lawyer or a complaint for everything that has happened to me in this place since I am not that type of person and I always try to look for things in the right direction, carefully think about it more than twice to come because they are coming more construction and remodeling in this place and living like this, believe me, I wouldn't wish it on anyone!!!!...