James Quid

Do NOT move here!!! Amenities and location are some of the nicest on South Beach, however, the building itself is terrible. You can hear every single little noise through the walls, ceiling above, and floor below. We have made several complaints to management over the past 6 months. We are extremely disturbed because we heard about this place through a loyal tenant of 5 years, our uncle, yet management hasn't done anything to improve our situation. We've gotten to the point where we have ordered ear plugs, a sound machine and even proved to management how many times we have called 'the complaint center' (the number of times in the last 6 months is literally UNBELIEVABLE). We have already contacted a lawyer who has taken the matter into his hands. This place is out of control. Management is not responsive, and ESPECIALLY for how expensive this place is to live, they do NOTHING but IGNORE. If you want nice views, amenities and location, there are plenty other options in South Beach!