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DO NOT BE FOOLED AND MOVE HERE. It is as bad as the reviews reveals. The management is worse than you can imagine. They do not care about customer service and forget about making an agreement with them - even when they sign the agreement - they will not care about keeping it. One friend got a notice 3 days prior to move in, only because he contacted them himself because there was still light in the apartment, that they forgot to tell him that the previous renter didn't move out, so he could not move in - Flamingo denied to take any responsibility. Twice before that they tried to rent him apartments that was under eviction, which means they could not guarantee the agreed move in date and whether it was actually ever going to be available as the current renter could still stay if he paid the rent, which he was first told weeks after he had put in his application. That is the level of incompetence you are dealing with here - be warned. Everybody makes mistakes, but it is how you handle those mistakes that matters and Flamingo do not take their responsibility for any of the mistakes they make. Forget about being a longtime tenant here as they do not want you to stay - that is the truth. The people working in the leasing office get commission when renting out the apartments so do you really think they want you to stay rather than have a fresh supply of apartments they can rent out? They put up the rent by $200 dollars per month for every single contract even though no maintenance or improvement has been done. They will try to fool you and say that it is the market price dictated by the head office while you can go on their website and see the exact same apartment a few floors higher being rented out several hundreds of dollars cheaper. Yes that is right, your renewal price will be higher than the price for the same apartment listed on their website just so they can get you out and take your deposit. Had this happen to everyone I know here including myself. One friend is just about to leave as they once again raised his rent so it is now $400 dollars more than the same apartment many floors higher that is currently listed on their website. They do this to everyone, so do not think there is some special circumstances involved, it is their policy. Elevators often breaks down and take forever to get fixed. People tend to piss in them as well as the dogs, and watch your steps as there is poop everywhere. So if you like a fresh smell of urine in the morning or poop under your feet this place might be for you. There is some serious vacation rental going on in this place and people come and go all the time and do not behave or treat the place as if it was their own home. It is like a big hostel and management completely ignores the problem. I feel a bit sorry for the security guards even though most of them do not do their job, as people tend to be very rude to them when they actually try to do their job, which quickly discourages them. You will meet the worst kind of people here, and you should expect people partying every single night. Forget about having a job - except if you are a promoter or stripper like everyone else. They advertise their expensive apartments in the Center Tower as having wood flooring, which is false advertising as they in fact have cheap synthetic vinyl (plastic) flooring. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), also known as vinyl is a synthetic plastic material and among the most inexpensive type of flooring you can get for a good reason, and obviously has nothing to do with real organic wood. I hope they get hit by a class action law suit because of this deliberate deception. Try to do searches on google combining words like "vinyl, PVC, poison, toxic, dioxin" - and ask your self again whether yo really want to live here? You better pray that a fire never occurs and you don't breath in any fumes - but by looking at some of the residents living here it is easy to imagine. It can seem like a nice place at first glance but hopefully you think twice and listen to some of the reviews.