Gabriel S.

Absolute garbage community; avoid like the plague: --when I moved in, no one would help me figure out where anything was or how anything worked--the gym is 'at the back of the garage by the valet' even though, no, it's nowhere near the valet and 'the back of the garage' is not accessible except randomly from the 6th floor (no signage or any other materials to help explain this)--packages get lost or stolen constantly due to poorly set up package lockers and negligent staff; the sprinkler system turned on due to an issue caused by the construction, an entire locker bank was frozen and I never got my package that was in there--when the lockers get overloaded, the staff let FedEx and others just dump packages in the open room where construction crews can grab anything and make no effort to ensure packages are safe --doing something basic like reserving the freight elevator is impossible because the omnipresent construction crews act like they own the place and the management does nothing to stop them blocking every entrance and doing whatever they want --frequent elevator outages and utility outages due to constant construction or poor maintenance--if you want to have someone move in, or enable them to access the elevators without you, you have to add them to the lease as if it was a brand new application and plunk down $1400 for them to even consider it, and they can just say no and keep your money --lobby staff is useless and does not take security seriously; people are walking in and out all the time, yet randomly they'll pick actual guests of residents to harass --nosy and incompetent security comes and randomly knocks on my door at 7am, 1030pm, 1am to stop OTHER PEOPLE'S PARTIES' or to randomly look for a package that someone lost --when they clean a common area, they just close off the elevators with no prior warning and rudely send you back upstairs with no accommodation or explanation of how you're supposed to get where you need to be