This building has always been under construction. They will never stop working on in, and the tenants will never stop suffering. If you live here, expect to hear jackhammers, banging, saws, and every other type of machinery running all day, every day. It's impossible to work from home, get on a video meeting, or even take a phone call. They start bright and early, so expect to get woken up by the sound of construction every morning. And if there's ever a break in the construction noise, they will fill that with a fire alarm test. Many of the amenities we pay for are frequently shut down due to repairs or another redevelopment project. Your balcony will be covered in dust from the construction, and you will frequently be walking though common areas that are a mess and under construction. The past few years have been especially bad here and there is no end in sight. People used to put up with all this headache because rents here were very reasonable, but now they are charging top dollar and tenants shouldn't have to endure all this torture for what we pay now.