Yuri Pinkhas

Moved here from NYC in Feb 2018. Realized first week that construction doesnt stop. They actually jackhammering walls 5 floors below me - taking concrete samples so they can start full building remodeling. Also they have started a 4 phase renovation of the entire property. There is never ending construction trucks, escavators, dirt and lots of noise. I will be terminating my lease - as it impossible to do anything in this community anymore. Most of the amenities are closing down. Also be aware that this place is a prison - biometrics system they had installed here in May is so bad that people are constantly standed and cant get in or out of the building or use elevators when system brakes ( 3-4 times a week). Please stay away from this place!! Oh - almost forgot. Fire alarms are a refular occurance here, 2-3 times a week and you get it in your appartment waking you up. So yeah - im moving!!!