Sha S.

If you are planning to move to flamingo point, think twice- the construction noise is unbearable - everyday including Saturdays!I have lived in the center tower for more than two years now. Management are rarely useful- they are not accessible in case there is an issue. If neighbors are partying hard on a weeknight at 3 am, there is nowhere you can call to complain. There are many days that lobby, elevator and some hallways smell like trash- because there is something wrong with trash chute that they haven't managed to fix it. This is embarrassing specially when you have guests visiting from out of townOn rainy days some elevator roofs have water leakage ( although they were remodeled recently)And as far as security- most of my friends that come to visit me are never stopped at the lobby- they easily get into the building and to my door without getting stopped at the lobby- that means anyone can get to your door- I cannot wait until my lease ends and i can move out of flamingo center tower. Conclusion: if you are planning to move into Flamingo point- think twice