Roger D.

The Flamingo is currently evicting approximately 2,000 residents from the North Tower shortly after generating new leases, renewing existing leases and gathering thousands of dollars in lease fees per tenant. Tenants were notified without warning (via a slip of paper placed under their doors) that the building plans to make renovations and all tenants must leave. The notice was short and to the point, citing a clause in the contract that they have a right to evict tenants at will, if renovations are planned.The same lease contracts and renewals however, specifically state that no renovations are planned. Sales agents have encouraged prospective tenants to move in citing on-going upgrades to the property grounds as a benefit and a reason for moving in.This contract language and verbal assurances by the sales staff have allowed the Flamingo to entice new residents and to gather additional rent and application fees while simultaneously making making plans to evict the same tenants that just paid them. The Flamingo does not plan to reimburse the tenant fees... even to those those moved in days before the eviction notice.The renovation plans have (obviously) been in process for some time however, the Flamingo continued to execute new leases until days before the eviction notices. In addition, the Flamingo continues to list North Tower vacancies on apartment rental web sites. Potential residents beware.A class action lawsuit is anticipated naming the Flamingo, Aimco, and the specific staff members that fraudulently misrepresented the Flamingo's ground renovation plans.As of this writing, the Flamingo does not plan to reimburse any residents for the fees they accepted or to assist with moving or any other expenses. An estimated loss of $10-$12M in costs is anticipated.DO NOT RENT (nor ever consider renting) at the Flamingo. The lack of transparency, monetary theft, and lack of integrity is nauseating.